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Director of Events & Business Development

Corinne King

Indianapolis, IN
Director of Events & Business Development
Circle City Athletics

Briefly describe your daily job duties.
I am responsible for managing our events, sponsorships, and strategic partnerships. Circle City Athletics is the premier provider of social leagues and events for adults in Indianapolis.

As a person who stutters, share the most challenging part of your job.
I am a closeted stutterer. The majority of people who know me do not know that I stutter frequently. It can be frustrating as I am constantly navigating around words, avoiding specific words and concerned people (including me) will not have the patience for when I communicate. I overthink almost every interaction – like saying bye to a colleague or providing them the number of participants.

What are your long-term career aspirations?
My long-term career aspirations are to make a noticeable impact in the company and be a great resource to the community.

Did you self-disclose your stuttering during the job hiring process?
I have only disclosed my stuttering to a handful of people and these people are not my coworkers. Recently, I have considered disclosing my stutter as it has consumed a lot of brain capacity while I am speaking or planning to speak. I believe disclosing my stutter to everyone would be a weight off my shoulders.

What is your proudest moment at your current company?
My proudest moment is knowing that everyday I can make a difference in our community – while we are a small team, we are mighty and serve over 25,000 people in Indianapolis.

Describe how stuttering makes you a better, more valued contributor at work.
As someone who stutters, I am more aware and considerate of my surroundings and people who may have unique abilities. Stuttering has taught me how to be strategic and a great problem solver.

What’s your best advice for people who stutter just entering the workplace and for those in a career striving to achieve greater success?
My best advice to be patient with yourself and consider disclosing your stutter with colleagues (especially if you are a closeted stutterer). Recently, I was upset about how I spend a lot of energy communicating and wishing I was more introverted. To lift my spirits, I decided to research famous people who stutter and I learned Ed Sheeran stutters. It is encouraging to learn how people who stutter can accomplish so much – we might just need to be a bit more strategic in how we approach our goals!

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