Anabel Augustin
WS@W Committee Co-Chair
Anabel Augustin is a Broward County resident and a person who stutters. Anabel was introduced to the NSA through her speech pathologist at Nova clinic and attended her first meeting in 2018. From the NSA Miami chapter meeting, Anabel was introduced to an amazing support system and was able to express herself for the first time in years without being rushed or feeling ashamed for taking time to talk. By joining the NSA miami chapter meeting, Anabel was able to participate in several research studies, present at panels in order to spread awareness about stuttering. Anabel is a youth case manager and uses her position to continue to spread awareness about stuttering, advocating for individuals with disabilities and educating individuals on ways to appropriately communicate with a person who stutters.
Anabel serves on the We Stutter @ Work Committee helping people feel confident and accepted in the workplace, and she is the Co-chapter leader of the NSA miami chapter meeting