You must be registered as an NSA Chapter Leader to access these pages. If you are a chapter leader and already have access, please log-in.
If you have not previously registered for access to these pages, click on ‘Enroll’ below and ‘purchase’ the enrollment (there is no cost!). You will be asked to create a login or sign in with an existing account. If you have created an account in the past, use that account and log in. Once ‘purchased’ you will receive an email letting you know that we are processing your order.
2. We will manually approve your order on our end to ensure that only verified Chapter Leaders have access to this section.
3. You will receive an email that says your order has been completed. Both the processing and order complete emails have the link to the Chapter Leader page, or you can visit the MyNSA tab on website, login, and gain access to the tools.
Please contact us if you have any additional questions.
If you are an existing chapter leader, please log in to access the Chapter Leader Tools.