People who stutter have the same potential as their fluent peers, but too often employers overlook them. That’s where WeStutter@Work comes in – an NSA initiative to improve employment outcomes for people who stutter. We educate both PWS and employers, so everyone can benefit from a more inclusive workforce.
Free online job interview practice sessions to help you get ready for the interview and get the job you want and deserve.
Join us for an upcoming live webinar and discover how to create a more significant impact in your workplace.
Learn career advice from Carl Coffey, a person who stutters who has found career success.
With the right support and resources, you can overcome any challenges while building an amazing career.
That means employers will likely encounter people who stutter (PWS). Hiring PWS means not overlooking the skills and talents that they bring to the workplace and offering leadership roles and paths for promotion.
Discover the inspiring career success stories of people who stutter.